Friday, July 31, 2009

Completely Mind Blowing

Ok, I went into this thinking it was gonna be a complete joke. This is too freaky though. Click on the link and follow the instructions.

Mind Fuck?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

This Kid Can Dance

So last night i got conned into watching about 15 minutes of "So You Think You Can Dance." It was on at Mulligans from some unknown reason and the Mrs wanted to grab a beer. She paid for once and my punishment for allowing this was being forced to watch this stupid show while drinking my beer. If only this little kid had been on the show, maybe it would have been tolerable.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rap Video - College Humor Style

Found this today on YouTube and thought it was pretty cool. These guys are usually on point with their videos, ala Prank Wars.

Best line is about the Renaissance Festival...

Click here for the video - Embed was not enabled. Kinda lame.

Hello Again

Hello again,as you can see it has been a very very long time since my last post. Not a whole lot as happened since we last spoke that would be enjoyable to write about. The Mrs. is doing great and everything is going fine on the job front.

I just wanted to say that I am sorry for the delay and that we are going to work very hard to start the entertainment once again. I hope you can forgive me for the lack of motivation these last couple months and hopefully I can make up for with the posts to come.

Now, i need to find something funny to post, check back soon.