Monday, December 15, 2008

Things I Found Out I Hate This Weekend

After a weekend of city going, sports watching, movie watching and a little bit of shopping we are all back at work. I find myself a little more tired than usual and wanting to get some things off my chest.

There is a guy drilling outside which does not make this any easier, but I do find it easier than doing actual work. Here are some things I found out I really hate with a little help from the weekend and the beginning of a new week.

1. Facebook
2. Rockefeller Center during Christmas
3. Not having college football
4. Uncertainties
5. Times Square
6. Delayed path trains
7. Facebook
8. People drilling at 8 in the morning
9. Dinner Parties
10. People who ask "Can I ask you a question?"....and then don't give you a chance to refuse.

Please feel free to add your own. This made me feel a little better. I think I need to go on vacation again.


  1. 1. Matching New York Couples
    2 The Cowboys
    3. The dollar menu not being a dollar
    4. Chelsea
    5. Cold Weather

  2. Matching New York couples are the worst...

  3. Tony Romo & Terrell Owens
    Ignorant people
    People who don't wear deodorant or shower
    Blue Balls

  4. Fab - Blue it...and definitely terrell owens..

  5. People drilling your mom at 8 in the morning.

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